Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tree Trimming 2013

Part of our winter routine is usually tree trimming and removal.  We are just finishing up a two week project with a 65 foot lift and a small track loader.  The lift allows us to prune or remove branches near the top of the tree.  In some situations the removal of a tree is needed and the location doesn't allow for a normal tree felling or "tree dropping".  An example of this would be near a green, tee or fairway.  So, we use the lift to tie a rope to a limb then run the rope through a crotch in the tree.  The other end of the rope is connected to a tractor or, in this case, a track loader.  After the limb is cut it swings down, the rope tightens and the limb is slowly lowered to the ground by the track loader.  The result is no damage to the turf.  We repeat the process until the tree is at a manageable height to which we can perform a normal felling while minimizing damage to the turf.

We perform this work "in house" and all of the necessary safety equipment are used throughtout the process.  This includes chainsaw chaps, helmets, hearing protection, eye protection and most importantly, while in the lift, a safety harness is used.