Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Eviction Notice....

Our tree trimming project this year was primarily focused on the removal of dead or declining trees.  Most of the work was centered around the new holes (5-8).

However, one of the trees we removed was a failing sugar maple right of 18 approach, near the cart path.  The top of the tree has been gone for a number of years and rotten wood and a few branches were left behind.  But, Nick Conklin (Conky) and I never anticipated we were cutting down someone's home.

Needless to say the resident raccoon was a bit shook up.  So, being the good Samaritans that we are, we moved the log and the occupant to an area out of our way and went about our work.  The next morning the log was empty.

Disclaimer:  No animals were harmed during the filming of this blog.  :)