Monday, June 22, 2015

Drainage Work

It has been quite some time since my last post and a lot has happened.  The new tees, with the exception of 18 blue and white, are open for play.  Trees have been trimmed and some have been removed during the winter.  There has also been a lot of rain and it continues to rain.  As I write this post it is raining.  So, drainage is on my mind.

Last week we tackled a re-occurring leak in front of 17 green.  Whenever we received a substantial amount of rain a sod bubble would appear in the approach.  After some investigation we found broken clay drainage tile was the culprit.

We also found a number of repairs that were made over the years utilizing newer black, plastic drainage tile.  All in all around 30 ft of clay tile and old, plastic tile were removed and new tile was put back.  

Old, broken clay tile is indeed a problem for us.  This particular repair was very large compared to most.