Friday, July 6, 2012

Quality of cut.....

Quality of cut is important for a number of reasons. 
1.  It looks nice!  Shaggy grass just has that "blah" look to it.  Wouldn't you agree?
2.  Better playing conditions.  Ball roll on greens is partially dependent to the quality of cut.  A more consistent cut across the surface will give a more consistent quality of roll as you putt the ball. 
3.  Disease resistance.  Yes, disease resistance.  A crisply cut turfgrass blade has less surface area for disease infection than a jagged edge.  So, as Paul Kniola (our Equipment Manager) checks the quality of cut of our mowers he is helping the plants fight off disease infection.  Paul does this quality of cut check after every mowing and he adjusts each reel to cut paper cleanly.  If the reel doesn't cut paper then the reel or bedknife or both get sharpened.  Thanks for your diligence Paul!