Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Winter Work: Post #3

The third installment of the answer to the question:  "What do you do during the winter?" is a portion of what I do.

As the winter begins, I begin thinking about next year.  Formulating a purchasing plan for fertilizer and chemicals takes a number of weeks.  It all begins with evaluating what worked over the past year and where I would make changes.  Then I research new products, if applicable, to see if they would fit into my program. 

An example of my "Greens" program is above.  Using application dates, specific products and their rates all help me build a program that is organized and easily adjusted from year to year.  I also have individual programs for tees, fairways and rough.   

Eventually, I ask my fert and chem reps to bid on the products I would like.  From there I plug in the prices on the products and make sure they fit within my budget guidelines.