For the trimming we utilize a large aerial lift that weighs in at over 20,000 pounds. Even though the machine is on tracks, which disperses the weight better than tires, damage to the turf can be done in wet conditions. For this reason, we are limited where we can drive and what we can trim.

During the two weeks we were able to accomplish a considerable amount. An area of focus for us was in and around the new holes. Particularly, holes 7 & 8. A number of trees were failing to a point where they could present a hazard during a windy day. The decline of these trees is normal after construction is performed in there rootzone. Whether it is damage to their roots through compaction or root pruning some trees cannot handle the shock.
We have saved as many logs from the trees as we can. Currently, we are getting quotes from local lumber companies for the larger logs and we hope to have the smaller logs used for firewood. The tops and small limbs have been piled up and will eventually be burned onsite.