Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Prepping for the Winter

Each year around Thanksgiving we "put the course to bed" so to speak.  The top growth has stopped and the ground is still unfrozen.  This is when we begin our pre-winter fungicide applications.  Primarily we spray for pink and gray snowmold.  All of the tees, fairways and greens are meticulously cleaned of debris and leaves and then sprayed with the chosen fungicide. 

If an area is left unsprayed or skipped, it may have snowmold in the spring.  Each year is different and the severity of the disease pressure is dependent upon the weather conditions and the condition of the grass.  Many variables are involved and the one we focus to control is the condition of the grass.  Preferably we try to make sure the grass has not been fertilized in the last month and a half.  This is so the grass is not lush and green.

The picture to the left is an example of grass that had gone into the winter lush and green.  This picture was taken in the spring of 2010 on one of the new holes.  Lush and green is hard to avoid during a grow-in, but fortunately after some verticutting and seeding these areas were back into play promptly.