Friday, July 8, 2011

Look Out for Sinkholes!

Chikaming, as you know, is an old golf club.  Throughout the years, different material for drain tile has been used.  Today, high-density polyethylene (HDPE) is used.  Which is very durable and has an extremely long lifespan.  During the 2004 drainage project at the club, this material was used and any new additions since then and in the future have and will utilize the HDPE.

In the past, clay tile was used.  Clay tile was installed throughout the property and has been damaged during the multiple irrigation and drainage projects that has occurred over the many years.  As you can see in the photo below, our irrigation mainline (the blue pipe) was trenched through an old clay drain tile.  The clay drain tile still works, so each time it rains more soil washes down the drain until a sinkhole appears.  This mainline was installed in 1999 and it has taken all these years for this to occur.                 

Currently, we have a number of sinkholes  on the property in need of repair and all of them are associated with the clay tile.  They will be addressed as soon as possible.