Thursday, October 20, 2011

6 Fw Topdressing

During the first week of October we topdressed 6 fairway with sand. This process took place over 3 days. The actual application of sand had taken 1 day, we then solid tined (aerified) to a depth of 4" and then the brushing/dragging of the sand took place over the 2nd and 3rd days. All in all, we applied around 200 tons of sands to the entire fairway. This amount of sand has created a 1/2" layer of topdressing in addition to filling the vast majority of aerification holes. 

We will continue this practice 3 to 5 times a year for next number of years. The amount of sand per application will be less in the future, but our goal is to "cap" the fairway with a 3.5" to 4" layer. The end result will be a better playing surface, through better drainage, a smoother surface and better turf.