Sunday, October 23, 2011

We have a Hero on Staff

Paul Kniola is our Equipment Manager here at the club and he recently did a good deed that needs to be recognized.  He will be available for autographs from 7 to 3:30, Monday through Friday. J

Man rescues dog from burning home

By Stan Maddux
For The News-Dispatch
Published: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 5:09 PM CDT
MICHIANA SHORES — Paul Kniola heard his neighbor's dog barking inside the home as the structure was going up in flames Monday afternoon.

So, Kniola kicked in an exterior door, and the black labrador ran through the opening to safety. Even more daring is that Kniola went inside the Michiana Shores residence to see if anyone was inside.

"The dog was locked in there," said Mary Zemansky, who lives across the street from the charred structure at 209 Shady Oak Drive just north of U.S. 12 east of Michigan City.

Zemansky said damage was extensive.
"I don't think it's livable," she said.

According to sheriff's deputies, Zemansky was taking her recyclables outside when she began seeing black smoke. She walked over and discovered the side of the house on fire.

Zemansky said after calling 911, the flames rapidly began engulfing the home near Red Arrow Stables, a popular destination for tourists. Kniola made his way over and with the dog inside barking kicked down the door.

After the dog ran outside, Kniola began yelling and went inside knowing the owner, James Ricketts, is confined to a wheelchair. Finding no one, he safely exited.

Investigators soon discovered Ricketts has been in the hospital for the past week, and his wife had left the residence that morning, police said.

The cause of the fire is still being investigated, police said.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

6 Fw Topdressing

During the first week of October we topdressed 6 fairway with sand. This process took place over 3 days. The actual application of sand had taken 1 day, we then solid tined (aerified) to a depth of 4" and then the brushing/dragging of the sand took place over the 2nd and 3rd days. All in all, we applied around 200 tons of sands to the entire fairway. This amount of sand has created a 1/2" layer of topdressing in addition to filling the vast majority of aerification holes. 

We will continue this practice 3 to 5 times a year for next number of years. The amount of sand per application will be less in the future, but our goal is to "cap" the fairway with a 3.5" to 4" layer. The end result will be a better playing surface, through better drainage, a smoother surface and better turf.


Fairway Drainage

The drainage installation in the fairways was completed last week. The process begins with the sod removal. Trenching then takes place. As the trencher moves dirt comes to the top and is removed by hand to leave an open and clean trench. In the trench a four inch, perforated pipe is installed along with a wire (the wire is used later to locate the pipe if needed). The pipe and wire is then backfilled with a sand/compost mix and compacted. After compaction, the sod is re-laid and later rolled. 

So far, with the recent rains, the areas are drier. The areas that were focused on were: 4, 9, 10 and 17 fairways.

Additional drainage was also installed, to a limited degree, in 7 fw and 15 approach, while 14 approach received extensive work.  The work on 14 included the removal of sod, re-grading, and the installation of drain tile. Afterwards the the sod was re-laid. This area will be ready for play in the spring.