Saturday, June 28, 2014

A busy Wednesday.

With the closing of the club for the day, many projects were accomplished.  The morning started off with the chip and seal around the Hamlet.  The process involved the filling of any low areas with crushed asphalt, then an application of tar.  Pea stone was then applied for the finished product.  The pea stone looks identical to the material currently being used on the course, so it creates a nice transition.               

A month or so ago the Hamlet staff entered the pro shop and were hit with a terrible smell.  To their horror they found sewage water throughout the bathrooms and porch of the building.  The sewage lift station had shut down causing all of the water to back up into the building.  One of the pumps has gone bad and after more investigation it was found out that pumps were too old to repair/rebuild, so while the chip and seal process was going on new sewage pumps were installed in the lift station. 
The third and final project of the day was the pouring of concrete for our sand/mulch bins.  As you may know in the past we have had our topdressing sand deliveries dumped in the parking lot.  With topdressing of the fairways our sand use has increased to a point where it has become necessary to have an additional storage space for the sand.  The new sand bins will accommodate 2 -3 semi loads of sand and will help us from keeping the sand out of the parking lot. 

Friday, June 13, 2014

Sometimes things happen...

One little mistake and there you go into the pond!  Even though the crew at the club are skilled at their craft, mistakes do happen.  Max was eventually pulled out and the pond bank will be repaired.