The tee project is wrapping up. Most tee tops have been seeded and a number of tee banks have been sodded.
Tee tops that have seed and sod are: #2, #4 blue, white and yellow, #5 white, #6 white, #8 white, #10, #11 red. Tee tops with seed and banks to be sodded are: #3, #4 red, #12, #14. #1, #9 blue and #15 will hopefully be finished this week if weather permits along with the remainder of the bank sodding.
The pictures below show some of the progress. The white blankets on top of the tees are germination blankets that hold in moisture and a bit of heat that aids in the germination and growth process.
#1 during construction
#2 blue and white pre-construction
#2 blue and white prior to seed and sod
#2 blue and white
#2 white T. Bentgrass germinating under the blankets.
#2 yellow and red pre-construction
#2 yellow and red
#3 blue and white
#3 yellow and red
#4 blue and white pre-construction
#4 blue and white
#4 yellow before seed and sod
#4 yellow
#4 red
#5 white during earth moving
#5 white during construction
#5 white during the sodding process
#5 white
#6 white
#8 white
#10 blue and white
#10 yellow and red
#11 red
#12 blue and white
#12 yellow and red
#14 pre-construction