Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Practice Area Work

With the planned expansion/renovation of the practice area next summer, we have taken the opportunity over the past two weeks to clear the trees within the construction area.  This project was done in house with the rental of an excavator.  The series of pictures below shows the stages of the clearing.  The affected area will be seeded in the spring and construction of the new practice area is slated to be begin in August. 


Friday, December 7, 2012

Winter Prep.

Last week we finished spraying our final fungicide application of the year.  This application is made to prevent snow mold from forming during the winter months.

We also applied a granular fertilizer application this week on all the fairways and tees.  The fertilizer was comprised of Ammonium Sulfate, Muriate of Potash, Boron and Manganese Sulfate.  We applied a similar fertilizer blend to the greens as well.