Thursday, September 20, 2012

Fairway Verticutting

Over the past two days we have been verticutting a few of our fairways. This process uses spinning, circular blades that are aligned along a shaft. As the shaft spins, the blades cut through the thatch/turf mat. The blades cut any grass blades that are laying over and also remove a large amount of thatch material. The end result is healthier turf and less grain (grass laying over).

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Black Spots on Greens

You may have noticed the black spots on a few of our greens.  These spots are actually patches of moss that is dying.  We recently sprayed a product that will hopefully remove these eyesores.  It looks very promising so far. 

Cart Path Removal

Kaiser Landscaping has begun the process of removing the asphalt paths on the course.  As they remove the material we will come behind and grade the old path smooth.  Sometime after we will edge the old path and place a layer of pea stone down.  Viola!  Our new path. 

6 Fairway Topdressing

Last week we started the topdressing and aerification process on 6 fairway.  This fall we are trying a new approach.  We will topdress and aerify one half of the fairway one week and complete the other half of the fairway the next week.  While the process is going on you will be able to place your ball on the portion of the fairway that is not disturbed. 

We will do this process again sometime in the month of October as weather permits.