This summer has been rough on our rough. The heat and humidity has laid siege on many areas along our fairways. After some research (i.e. poking, cutting and pulling) a common theme among these areas has come to the forefront. Thatch.
In our situation, the thatch is primarily the result of the wrong grass type in the wrong location. The majority of these areas have creeping bentgrass. Bentgrass is meant to be maintained below 0.75", otherwise it becomes puffy and thatchy. We maintain the rough at 2.25".

So, how did the bentgrass get in the rough? Well, it creeps, as the name suggests. Plugs from the fairway aerification process could have contributed. Also, seed from the divot bottles might be a likely suspect. We are not sure.
In early September we will be overseeding these areas with an appropriate grass species for the location. Kentucky Bluegrass will be used along with a dash of Perennial Ryegrass. These grass species will do well at the rough height of cut and will provide a better playing surface. So, please excuse our mess as the process takes place.