Thursday, December 1, 2016

Irrigation Reservoir Work

Our irrigation system is supplied by water in our reservoir.  As our system runs water sent out onto the course is removed from a large pit in the pumphouse.  The pit is supplied new water by a pipe that runs underground out to the bottom of the reservoir.  At the end of the supply pipe is a self-cleaning strainer.

The self-cleaning strainer keeps fish, leaves and other debris from entering the pumphouse pit.  As the pumps run, water is sent through a 2" supply pipe down to the strainer which then is sprayed out  through a series of nozzles inside of the strainer screen.  The spraying action makes the strainer turn and also removes any debris that may build up on the outside of the screen.

The plumbing for the supply pipe has been an issue in the past and was again this past summer.  The numerous connections were not holding up and blowouts were happening.  We chose to reroute the supply pipe and install a High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) pipe in place of the existing PVC pipe.  The advantage of the HDPE pipe is that it is relatively flexible and can follow the contour of our pond bank down to the strainer, thus reducing the number of connections.  

To do the project we had to remove all of the water from the reservoir, replace the supply pipe and replace any worn parts on the strainer.  Water was then pumped back up to the reservoir via our entrance pump.

