Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Strange Temps

Today it was 61 degrees.  Last Thursday it was 19 degrees with 6 inches of snow on the ground.  Within the next 3 days it is forecasted we will receive 1 to 2 inches of rain, then 6-10 of snow on Thursday, coupled with bitter cold by Friday. 

Tomorrow we will scout the greens for any standing water and remove it before the freeze sets in.  A phenomenon called Crown Hydration may occur due to rapid freezing over a short period of time.  There is potential for turf loss if the water is not removed.  Here's a link for more info on Crown Hydration and other "winterkill" that affects turfgrass.  http://www.turf.msu.edu/winterkill-of-turfgrass

Cart Path Work

This past November, the crew and I, continued to work on our cart paths. After the asphalt was removed from the paths we realized there was a need for drainage in many areas. This was evident after a rainfall where standing water occurred in every low spot.

So, the next step was to install drain tile in the cart paths. Something that I never thought I would say because it just doesn't fit into what I'm used to. After the spoils from the trencher were picked up we installed the tile and back filled the trench with the same pea stone that we are using on the surface of the path.

Friday, January 18, 2013

A Winter Project Completed

After the holidays, the guys tackled prepping our rough mower to be put up for sale. The entire machine was thoroughly checked, repairs were made and fluids changed. In addition, every mower deck was disassembled and painted. The crew did a great job on the project and the end result will be a satisfied buyer!